
Showing posts from November 17, 2008

Polyester Intermediate Market Prices in Asia

17 November 2008 - Raw material costs of polyester producers were mixed in the past seven days in Asia, with PTA again falling on spot markets while MEG was slightly increasing. Demand is expected further declining from China's polyester industry, potentially resulting in lower prices in the near term. PTA less dramatically decreased than Paraxylene since the start of the year in addition, leaving room for new price reductions.

Cotton Prices Declining Across the Board

17 November 2008 - Cotton prices further declined in the last week amid new signs of a severe slowdown in textile production this year in Asia. Global cotton consumption is expected being much lower than earlier anticipated. State intervention for supporting prices in China, India and Pakistan may also have serious consequences on prices levels on the international market.

China's Clothing Prices in 2000-2008: EU Market

14 November 2008 - Chinese prices progressively rose over the last years on EU's clothing import market. With quotas being this year removed in most sensitive categories, prices significantly fell, however, although not returning to their lower levels of 2005. Sharp differences are being observed between categories of products over the long term period, as clearly reflected by our series of tables covering 4-digit HS chapters in the 2000-08 period.

Latest Regulations Regarding Textile Trade

14 November 2008 - Canada Border Services Agency: The Outward Processing Remission Order (Textiles And Apparel) Program. - U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC): Andean Trade Preference Act/Impact on U.S. Industries and Consumers. - U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission: Textile Product Safety Essentials for the US market (for Vietnamese Exporters). - China's Ministry of Commerce: Third Round of Allocation of US Textile Quotas. Anti-dumping Investigation against Imports of Adipic Acid from the Republic of Korea, the European Union and the United States.

Wool Market Prices in Australia, South Africa and New Zealand

14 November 2008 - Wool prices sharply rebounded this week in Australia, mainly due to a fall in the Australian dollar while Chinese importers need urgently filling their annual quotas. The recovery should not last beyond the end of next week, with prices expected finally falling before the end of the month.