
Showing posts from December 23, 2008

Fabric Importer Textile World Trading S.A

Fabric Importer Textile World Trading S.A is looking for 76x56 35x35 94" Power Loom Printed ,and 76x68 30x30 PC Auto Loom Printed and White Fabric.For further details visit their website at

Polyester Intermediate Market Prices in Asia

22 December 2008 - Polyester intermediate prices have now clearly bottomed out in Asia with rises of 5-10% observed in the past seven days. Paraxylene, PTA and MEG prices are obviously boosted by a lower production in Asia and by the absence of a new fall in crude oil futures in New York. Polyester producers try now raising their prices but could be confronted with a very weak demand from textile industry in China and elsewhere.

Cotton Prices Clearly Rose in New York

22 December 2008 - Cotton prices are still relatively stable on the international market, being last week supported by a sharp decline of the US dollar. Compared with other commodity markets, the cotton market remains relatively weak, however, reflecting a low level in demand from the textile industry. The Indian government cleared the way for further state-buying in the coming weeks as large quantities of cotton were already accumulated at much higher prices than on the international market.